Coastal & Estuarine Studies:
Irish Hydrodata provides design/analysis services associated with a variety of coastal & estuarine works. Projects include harbour developments, marinas, pipelines and flood defense works. Personnel
routinely develop and apply numerical models to simulate coastal
hydrodynamics, water quality, contaminant dispersion, oil spills and
cooling water discharges.
Marine Outfall Studies |
Wave & Tide Studies |
Dredging & Disposal |
Facilities Planning |
Our Services include: Hydrographic surveys, Bathymetric surveys, Sidescan surveys, Lunar Clocks, Magnetometer surveys, Geophysical surveys, Sub-bottom surveys, Dye surveys, Drogue surveys, Current surveys, Wave surveys, Tide surveys, Echosounding surveys, Marine Outfall Studies, Tide Tables, River Studies, Dredging & Disposal, River Studies, Facilities Planning, Shoreline & Inter-tidal Topographic Survey, Flood Level Studies, Contamination Dispersion. |